
Fotografía Macro


Macro photography is one of the most spectacular kind of pictures. This kind of images allows to observe details that they are not visible for the eye.

It’s wonderful that photography shows us things that the human sight is not able to see.

Here there is a few examples of little things that they are amazingly complex and really beautiful when they are closely watched.

These images are my first contact with Macro photography and they are not taken with the proper lent. They were taken with a 18-55 lent, using a inverter ring. Even though, the result is pretty good.

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Photography sessions on day life and places where the models feel comfy and can be relaxed being themselves. I find it gratifying to transmit through images how people are in their environments, their eyes and their movements. Capturing those moments in pictures and keep them forever.

Before the photography sessions, I like to meet them to know how they are and prepare the session for them, being able to get their personalities.

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Book Luis
Fotografía en Clave Baja

Low Key

Pictures capture in High or Low Key usually have a huge emotional feeling. Pictures in High Key transmit calm and positivism. On the other side, Low Key images communicate feelings of intrigue and mystery.

Low Key pictures are impressive for the sight, they are able to captivate the viewer and cause in it different feelings.

So they are my favorite, I like the way they communicate and the amount of feelings they can evoke.

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Landscape photography is one of the kind that I like more because they make me remember my beginnings and those places that I have been discovering and they stay in my mind.

Our mind tends to distort our memories but pictures show us the reality and we can see the variations through them and the changes suffered on a determined place.

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Fotografía Paisajística