Design: Electoral Campaign for one of the Police Unions.
Client: SUP Police
Objective: Promoting the Sindicato Unificado de la Policía on the elections of June 2019.
For this elections, we have planned a campaign where all the experience and commitment from the SUP will be showed. This is the biggest trade union which is older than 40 years old and it has been working and achieving goals and benefits for police.
We have designed a electoral campaign based on their achievements and where police officers can see all these points.
On these campaign we show how SUP is the best option for Police through commitment, safety and confidence that they communicate. SUP is reassuring.
We have developed a claim “SUP has been, is and will be”, which voices the SUP’s hard work along 40 years, their strength everyday and their commitment to the future.
For the presentation to the client que we’ve got ready some versions and mock ups for the posters designed.